Professionals Afterwork - October

Registrations are closed

Come Enjoy Our Monthly Professionals Afterwork

Join us for the grand finale of

🟣7 Days, 7 Talks🟣 on October 20th, where we're taking the traditional professionals' afterwork to a whole new level!

Veronique is your host for the evening, and she's bringing the essence of France to Chicago with a delightful Calvados degustation.

This is your chance to savor the finest Calvados and engage in lively conversations with fellow professionals in a relaxed and fun atmosphere.

This is not your typical afterwork - it's better!

Date & Time
October 20, 2023
5:30 PM 8:30 PM America/Chicago

875 North Michigan Avenue, John Hancock Center, North Michigan Avenue, Chicago, IL

--875 North Michigan Avenue, John Hancock Center, North Michigan Avenue, Chicago, IL--
--875 North Michigan Avenue, John Hancock Center, North Michigan Avenue, Chicago, IL--
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FACC Chicago

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